Friday, April 19, 2013

Cinematic Story outlines

1. Tribute to Kalari - Daivathinte Mushti


An NRI comes visiting his grandparents first time in his life in a northern town in Kerala. He gets facinated by the Kalari and extends his stay to do research in this Martial Art which he wants to showcase as his Project work. In the process he gets completely enticed with it and ends up learning it full time by extending stay.

In 2 years time he masters it and in the process falls in love with a co pratitioner of the art.

(This adds a romantic back drop , need some actions throw in situation like the girl getting eveteased and she taking care of the situation).

But the main turning point of the movie is when the Heroes master is evicted from his house due to non-payment of housing loan. He also realizes how bad the this art has been neglected by the people as well as by the government. He feels a soul connect to this great martial art and decides to do something about it.

He announces a martial art competition free style inviting all pratitioners to come in and take up challenge.

Basically Kalari face off with other martial arts of the world like Karate , Ju-jitsu , MMA , Wrestling etc. Does Kalari still holds the title of

Mother of All Martial arts, well that becomes the Destiny of the Heroe to prove to the world and thus uplift this martial art from its current certian path to demise to a new lease of Life.

PS : China has glorified Kung-Fu which originated from Kalari , but see what we have done to it. Let it not be extinct , it was given to us by the Gods as he found us to be worthy. Lets uphold it.

My Suggestions - The best person to play this role is Vidhyuth Jambal who acted in Movie Commando. He is an half Malayali. He was facinated by Kalari and has learned it.He was shocked to see how badly we are promoting it. If he is approached i am sure he will act in it for a discount. What Enter the Dragon did to Bruce Lee , it will do the same to Vidhyuth who is a serious martial art practioner , the best in Bollywood right now.

2. Spirit 'ed

This was based on true account narration - authenticity no way to prove.

5 friends from a a modeling assignment joins together to have a merry weekend in a cottage in a rubber plantation set deep in the western ghat’s. They are joined by a friend from Mumbai who is from the archeological department who is proficient in Sanskrit. One of the Model is a rich person and this cottage or ancestral property is the destination for the 5 friends. His great grandfather was a tantric and used to practice sorcery. The ancient property is now in ruins except for a portion which is well maintained.

As the story progresses one of the friends enters a room in the remote corner and he stumbles across a chest. He opens it see some inscriptions on palm tree leaves which is mostly ruined however some the
Pages were well preserved.

He hands it over to the Archeological student who deciphers the pages after downing a couple of drinks. What happens next is the invocation of a malevolent spirit . The palm leaf pages has the chants to invoke the spirit . The experience was as follows – they felt a sudden chillness engulfing the room . Then they heard somebody grinding their teeth and all of the friends in the room sitting around the table

Could hear it. It grew louder.

All of a sudden the beer bottles started shooting off from the table as if somebody had flicked them with their fingers. One after the other the beer bottles started to shoot off and hit the wall with an ear shattering noise.What happened was they could invoke the spirit but the pages that contained the chats to control it was destroyed. All five of the group ran out in different directions from the cottage. The very next day when they came they found the place to be in totally destroyed.

Rest for the movie I am leaving it for further enhancements. Till the statement above it was told as a 1st person account to my friend.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Alleppey Land - Pazhaveedu

ROAD next to Land

Actual land , photo from inside. The road comes in between the fence and the houses.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Good Learning by being a Arm chair Hunter

Good Learning by being a Arm chair Hunter

Happened to watch Human Weapon on History Channel. Yesterdays duel was an eye opener. We have these 2 Americans well built and one of them well above six feet visiting various martial arts discipline across the planet and fighting with their best warrior. Yesterdays was a take on Taek-Won-Do in Korea. As we know TWD guys are kick specialists.

My observations and learning:

Take – 1 : After a preliminary practice of some kicks like Tornado, Horse and other basic kicks the sparring began. It was the turn of the big gorilla like person to take on the 5’7 nimble and slim TWD master. In the second round the Big Guy executed a kick and landed forward , the TWD guy anticipating this well in advance side stepped and gave a high heel kick in a semi circular top down span motion to the Big Guys temple. He faints standing and goes down.

Take – 2: The second American stepped in . Now he was well built around 5’10. In the first round he executed a Tornado kick (turning around in mid air and executing a kick to the head of the opponent with other leg). The TWD guys side steps and the American land on his one feet in the process he twists his Knee. Now Tornado kick involves a spiraling motion and if you don’t control it well your body weight will do the damage when you land. When he landed his upper body was still in the spinning motion and it twisted his knee. End of the duel. I have see the same damage happening while playing cricket. When one of my friends who was Robust did a pace bowling and popped his knee. He is now on crutches.

Moral of the Story
1. Adapt techniques into you arsenal by understanding its effects, techniques and more important is it suitable for your body type.
2. TWD guys aim for the head most of the time , it might work in a 1 on 1 match with rules but on street your groin will be exposed to be put into meat grinder.

Chotti Muh badi bath , just sharing some observation from my Couch.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Ghost Story - Shadow Demons

‘Nizhal Boothangal’

It has been 2 years since I started working as an investigative Reporter but to my dismay I was unable to produce any breaking news article for my magazine. Hence when my friend from Nilambur told me of an unusual story that is a legend in his native place I decided to investigate it.

Pramod Nair narrated the following legend to me. In a sleepy village that resides in a hilly region deep inside Nilambur the suns rays are always filtered by the dense trees and greenery throughout the year around.Here people do not step out of their house alone after 7’oclock for the fear of Soul Snachers called as ‘Nizhal boothangal’ in their local dilect.If a person ventures out alone after sunset during a fullmoon day through the hilly region that has patches of paddy fields scattered in abundance the outcome is that you find his body blue and frozen lying in the paddy fields . His face will have a grotesque expression ; tongue protruding ,eyes bulging out of their sockets and the facial expression a deadly grimace of pain.

The local folk believes that the person was killed by ‘Nizhal Boothangal’. The grotesque expression happens when his soul is being snatched from his body by the powdery black mist that takes a human like form with a long appendage as its leg. People who have narrowly escaped death due to timely (or coincidental appearance of a group of people after a late night movie) appearance of people have lived to tell the grizzly tale of horror. We know that these forms are coming when there is a sudden drastic fall in temperature ( a chilliness) for no reason. The night atmosphere that is so vibrant with the sounds of the night life is suddenly silenced. There is absolute silence. A deadly stillness , a dead calm and then it begins.

A sound as if a rabid dog is growling. Then more sounds join in. All of a sudden the darkness around you start taking a human like form and starts to float towards you. Suddenly your shadow cast by the moon starts to twitch and flicker. You begin to feel the pain ,the nerve splitting pain as if your veins are being pulled out of your body. Your mouth starts to froath . Your bladder and bowls release due to uncontrolled pain and fear. It was at this point of experience that ‘Raman Chettan’ was saved by the timely appearance of a group of people coming after the late night show from the near by Talkies. They found him in a pitiable state, tongue protruding out, stench of human feces lingering around him and he was convulsing badly. He was lying on the ground

An interesting story, I thought. Most of them like this have been created by the imagination of the common folk passed on by the ‘muthachi’, to silence the brawling child. I called up Pramod who has an ancestral home in Nilambur. He told me that it was a big mansion. His father was a landlord, but his father visited the place once in a month. Pramod himself goes there only once in a Year. We both fixed a day. I was to meet him on August 14th evening at Kochi airport. At 7’pm. My flight landed at about 6:45 and as I stepped out of the arrival gate I was greeted by my friends Pramod and Sam. Sam was a total surprise, as I did not expect to see him. He was a mechanic running a local workshop in Fortcochin.

We reached Nilambur at about 11:30 in the night. We stopped at a local toddy bar and had a taste of the local ‘kallu’ and ‘Karimeen fry’. This hindered our journey as by the time we entered Pramod’s ancestral home it was well into midnight. The sight of the ancestral home struck me like a bolt. To be frank it was scary. Silhouetted against a moonless night the whole mansion had an ominous look. The rays of the bulb were struggling to cut through the dense darkness. It was throwing a faint yellowish glow that showed only the large wooden gate.

Pramod knocked on the door and after a couple of minutes it was opened by the manservant “Damodaran” who was well into his sixties. His toothless grin was no solace for us weary souls

After a hearty morning breakfast we sat together to chalk out our plans. The belief was that the Shadow Demons were very much active only during a Pournami day. Hence the whole course of action was planned ahead in weeks. Tonight will be the full moon day. Hence we were all very excited. We explained our reason for the visit to ‘Damodaran’. He was shocked, with a wailing gesture he tried to dissuade us from the whole thing. ”Mistake” ,”Mistake” he kept on muttering throught the day. We heeded him no notice.

The plan was to spend about 3-4 hrs in the night, out in the open .To walk through the unpaved roads that snaked throught the paddy fields surrounded by the hills. The hillside was full of dense trees. And I was sure once its night it will be totally creepy with the sounds of the night life.

The day went along uneventful. We had tea at the local tea shop with thached roofs bade of coconut leaves. It was good to taste the ‘Banana frys’ but the tea was too bitter. There were about 6 people including myself and my friends in the tea shop. Besides us there was the owner Karunakaran and other 2 customers. Pramod told him about our plans and introduced me as an investigative reporter from Mumbai. The smile faded from their faces when they realised the reason for our visit. There was quick exchange of frightened glances . “Kids, I know you will take all this as rubbish ,but do not disrupt the peace of our little village .Let sleeping spirits lie and do not meddle with tem. These things from the netherworld co exist with us especially in this remote village. There was another person like u from the city who came here before you 3 years ago and we found him completely paralysed with fear. He died a week later his body had pale bluish colour which even doctors couldn’t diagonise. These ‘Nizhal Odiyanmar’ are estranged souls who died an unnatural death and for whom the relatives did not do any ceremonial offerings or cleansing. They are caught in the netherworld, the twilight zone, feeding on the souls of people who come their way when they are in full possesion of the night. Especially trhe full moon day”. We all laughed together at the stupid and silly story that was told by the tea shop owner. The other 2 customers left the tea shop in a hurry.One was even cursing us under his breath.

We had our dinner by 9’0 clock. We played a set of rummy till 10 ‘oclock. After having armed ourselves with 2 torches, 3 sticks (there are a lot of snakes ,even King cobras , Raja Vembalas , as they are locally called , was in abundance) and a lantern we stepped out into the darkness. The air was damp and cold. We could hear the chantings from a near by house , as people were praying to ward off evil spirits.

The pathway was well lit by the moon light. Three of us started walking through the road in a single file. Pramod was carrying a tourch and he was guiding us through the narrow pathway. We reached a winding section of the road ; the road itself was cut through a hilly region hence it resembled a small mountain valley with high ridges on both sides. There was dense growth on both sides. Tall trees grew every where. The sound of the rickets filled the night atmosphere. We decided to have our rendezvous with the ‘NizhalBoothangal’ here. Pramod lit a cigarette and started to puff. We stayed in silence for about half an hour when all of a sudden there was a sudden chilliness all around us. There was a sudden hushed silence. We froze and then we began to hear the faint sound. An unmistakable sound of the growling of a dog. It started growing louder. Al of a sudden we were surrounded by this hideous sound. We were speechless with terror. It is then that we saw these creatures of the dark. A powdery black mist was oozing out of the foggy night. This mist suddenly started taking a human form. They had no eyes or ears. Only the shape of a human head with hands and body. We coudnt see the legs .In the place of legs it was a long appendage that swayed and wriggled on the ground. These forms started floating towards us. It was then that Sam started running. In a fit of hysteria he darted off into the opposite direction from our house. All of a sudden all the black growling shadows started following Sam. They all started floating towards his direction. We were paralyzed with fear. Sounds from our throat to call out for Sam was stopped midway due to fear. Suddenly the night was filled with a spine-chilling cry from the woods. It was Sam.

We ran towards Pramod's house. As soon as we reached Pramod’s house the power went out. The whole area was plunged into total darkness. The moon was shining bright. We started knocking on the door.
‘Damodaran Pillai’ opened the door. There was a lantern in his hand. Seeing us panting and speechless his eyes grew wide with terror. ” So you met those cursed beings”, he said. He pulled me inside; Pramod followed me into the house. Damodaran Pillai shut the door. “They will require a soul tonight. You have irritated the spirits. They will come for you both “. Hearing this we started shivering. Damodaran asked us to enter into the pooja room. He took an old copy of Bhagvat Geeta and asked us to start reading it. He locked the door from outside. Damodaran had kept the lantern inside our room. Only our chanting could be heard in the room. After a while we felt a loud noise. Like the hissing of the serpents. All of a sudden the atmosphere was filled with growling sounds. We started reading the bhagvatgeeta loudly.

Outside frenzy went along for sometime. Then we heard the front door open. There was lump in my throat. In the next instant we heard the spine-chilling cry of Damodaran. His cry was mingled with sounds of growling. We both fainted.

When I woke up Pramod was lying next to me. There was an IVR bottle dripping glucose into by system. We were in a hospital. I saw Pramod’s father sitting next to our bed. “ You are both lucky. We are forever indepted to Damodaran. He sacrificed himself in old age to the ‘Nizhal Boothangal’ to save you both. Looks like he opened the door on purpose”. We found his body outside the front door. He was all blue and his body was in a crooked posture. The creatures have been pacified for now. It has been a month after this incident, I now regularly read the Geeta. Now I work as teacher in a school. I did not publish my story. As whenever I take a pen to write the story I hear the sound of a growl. The words of Karunakaran chettan, the tea shop owner, keep ringing in my ears “Let sleeping spirits lie”.

Memoirs of a SOA Oracle Fusion Project [bpel]

Currently our company uses SOA architecture to integrate applications like
1. Oracle Apps 11i
2. Siebel On Demand v15(hoisted)
3. Siebel 8.1 ( On Premises)
4. Amdocs ClarifyCRM 12.5
5. Oracle Fusion Middleware , BPEL for Integration
6. Informatica
7. OBIEE - Analytics
8. Hyperion - Reporting
9. SFDC -
I had the unique opportunity of getting associated with most of these applications as a development lead. I will try to briefly step through each applications and talk about my experience in using them both functionally and technically. I will also try to put in technical aspects of dealing with tese applications as i progress throug this blog in the days to come.

How to clear the clutter in the Dehydration Store for SOA , BPEL Application Server
Guideline for using this code:
1. Don't run this script until you are very much sure of deleting all the instances from the dehydration store.
2. First stop the BPEL instance via Enterprise manager then run this script.

truncate table cube_instance;truncate table cube_scope;truncate table work_item;truncate table wi_exception;truncate table document_ci_ref;truncate table document_dlv_msg_ref;truncate table scope_activation;truncate table dlv_subscription;truncate table audit_trail;truncate table audit_details;truncate table sync_trail;truncate table sync_store;truncate table dlv_message;truncate table invoke_message;truncate table ci_indexes;

alter table cube_instance deallocate unused;alter table cube_scope deallocate unused;alter table work_item deallocate unused;alter table wi_exception deallocate unused;alter table document_ci_ref deallocate unused;alter table document_dlv_msg_ref deallocate unused;alter table scope_activation deallocate unused;alter table dlv_subscription deallocate unused;alter table audit_trail deallocate unused;alter table audit_details deallocate unused;alter table sync_trail deallocate unused;alter table sync_store deallocate unused;alter table dlv_message deallocate unused;alter table invoke_message deallocate unused;alter table ci_indexes deallocate unused;alter table cube_scope enable row movement;alter table cube_scope shrink space compact;alter table cube_scope shrink space;alter table cube_scope disable row movement;alter table cube_instance enable row movement;alter table cube_instance shrink space compact;alter table cube_instance shrink space;alter table cube_instance disable row movement;
exec dbms_utility.analyze_schema('ORABPEL', 'Compute');

SOA::Oracle Fusion :: BPEL - ESB : Differences

ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) implement messaging to enable services to be integrated in a message-based paradigm: both synchronous and asynchronous styles. Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides a comprehensive, standards-based and easy touse solution for creating, deploying, and managing cross-application businessprocesses with both automated and human workflow steps

ESB is good for routing messages to multiple destinations. It is also good for doing transformations that have little to no business rules. The footprint is much smaller and incurs minimal overhead therefore the performance is much better. BPEL is used for bringing together multiple services. There is much more functionality and allows implementation of complex business logic

Oracle BPEL can be used for integration code but its not designed/optimised for it.. Oracle BPEL is a Business Process Execution Language and as such its optimised for managing and coding business processes, whereas an ESB is quite simply a highly efficient intergration product. Its principle objective is to join two different services together quickly, efficiently and bi-directional. Specifically an ESB moves data via Connects services via different adaptors (WebServices, FTP,File,JDBC etc) and protocols (HTTP,JMS)Enriches and transform data using XSL & domain value mapping lookups Routes messages based on data in the message payload and/or header and finally and often overlooked feature is that an ESB Virtualises services, quite simply adds a facade layer to your infrastructure...Its also worth noting that doing integration work with Oracle ESB is not only quicker to "build" but its also quicker in its execution. I've been told by some collegues in the US that an integration process in ESB product is approx twice the speed of same process in Oracle BPEL.. So to recap Use ESB when You want a really low cost solution Only need connectivity, simple transformations and routing Use BPEL+ESB when You need to code complex business logicIntegration with WorkflowComplex transforms potentially involving the database Have Long running processes which may or may not be stateful.
The best practices around using BPEL and ESB together are as follows: - BPEL takes care of the stateful, long running, orchestration steps BPEL operates on the canonical definitions of your business objects - such that your BPEL process is clean (minimal transformations, assigns) with the focus on the basic business logic and related compensatory error-handling logic whereas,- ESB virtualizes endpoints that BPEL is orchestrating ESB does the heavy lifting of transformations to and from the canonical definition to endpoint definitions of the business objects With an appropriately layered SOA architecture, one would look at ESB as a repository of services that BPEL orchestrates. At deployment time, this layeredapproach provides you the flexibility to dedicate servers to individual tiers (BPEL and ESB) and thereby maximize the resource usage for your particular use case

BPEL data transformations enrich and perform complex changes whereas ESB can perform only simple transformations.• Exception handling can be done in BPEL.• ESB does not have the Sensors which can be used to monitor the activities that can send actions to Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) or database/jms.• BPEL can use Business rules, Human Workflow and Notifications.• Primarily BPEL is used for Orchestration, data enrichment and also for Human interaction whereas ESB is used for Store and forward transport of data

Siebel 8.1 EAI/ASI / Business Service Webservice call from Bpel
1. 301 Permanently moved Error
This can happen if the redirection on the server does not happen. Check the followinga) EnableFQDN=True on eapps.cfg fileand restart IIS serverb) ensure the wsdl location has login credentials and remove WSSOAP=1 (only for enabling session)c) ensure eapps.cfg file parameter [App Server name] is configured correctly
You can use this neat tool to test webservice SOAPUI

Connection Update not reflecting while running bpel
/d01/oracle/product/ in the adapter name , a space was introduced.It was using the default connection which was pointing to old one.

Actual server log
-bash-3.00$ tail -10 /d01/oracle/product/<2009-03-06> file:/d01/oracle/product/ [ BPELErrorLogService_ptt::insert(XxvsSodBpelErrorsCollection) ] - Using JCA Connection Pool - max size = <2009-03-06> file:/d01/oracle/product/ [ BPELErrorLogService_ptt::insert(XxvsSodBpelErrorsCollection) ] - JNDI lookup of 'eis/DB/errorAdminCRP' failed due to: eis/DB/errorAdminCRP not found<2009-03-06> Since unable to locate the JCA Resource Adapter deployed at 'eis/DB/errorAdminCRP', will then attempt to instantiate ManagedConnectionFactory

Based on this did a vi /d01/oracle/product/
This gave information on how the defaulting will be done.
[ ] Based on this defaulting was happening and we ,looked at the oc4j-ra.xml and found that Database Connection name was having a space.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Profile - Resume

Nyjil Joshi , PMP

CRM ,SOA ,Cloud Computing Professional

Professional Experience (12+ yrs)


Phone (M): 9980250014 Koramangala,


Profile : Self-Motivated hard working individual. Experience with multiple CRM Applications and SOA Oracle Fusion Middleware projects. Versatility proven by working in various technologies and performing various roles like Technical Lead, Project Lead , Business Analyst , Coordinator and Trainer. Internationally travelled. Currently pursuing an MBA with United Institutes (Brussels).

* School/College/University

Int. Exec MBA program , United Institutes (Brussels) through Jaro (Oct 2011 – In Progress) .


MCA from Hindustan College of Engineering, University of Madras, 68%

Plus 2, Bhavans Vidya Mandir (Kochi), CBSE, 80%

Matriculation, Bhavans Vidya Mandir (Kochi), CBSE, 72%

Diploma in Computer Programming from NCC, UK

B.Com from Sacred Heart College (Kochi), Mahatma Gandhi University, 58%

* Trainings

Integrating Siebel Applications 8.0 by Oracle.

Oracle SOA suite 10g , Fusion/Bpel/ESB by Oracle. 201 Certified Administrator by Salesforce. 401 Certified Developer by Salesforce.

* Achievements

  • Symantec Level 1 / 2 / 3 Award (2011)
  • Symantec Learning Excellence Award (2011)
  • Symantec Applause Awards (3) (2010)
  • Verisign Spot Light Award (2010)
  • Verisign Collaboration Award (2009)
  • Verisign Spot Light Award (2009)
  • Verisign Valuable Player Award (2008)
  • Verisign CEO Top Off Award (2007)
  • IBM Certificate of Excellence (2005)
  • Certificate of Appreciation Apar Technologies (Reliance Infocom project)

D-O-B : 14th Sep 1974

* Middleware

Ø Oracle Fusion Middleware SOA (2.10 yrs)

Extensively worked on building BPEL workflows using Synchronous and Asynchronous processes. Involved in Administration activities as well as developing bpel workflows for integrating with ClarifyCRM, Siebel On Premise v8.1 ( ASI’s / EAI) and Oracle CRM On Demand v17. Web services were extensively used. Extensively handled SOA components XSD / WS concepts ,creation and transactions, through understanding of WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, XML concepts, ESB for bulk movement of data with minimal business logic,BPEL design using Oracle JDeveloper,BPEL constructs (basic, ws & structured activities), BPEL Fault handlers (fault, termination, event, compensation),BPEL Fault correlation sets, Fault variables, mappers & logging and Webservice. BPEL deployments using ANT / JDeveloper . Carried out training to colleagues as a part of Internal training sessions.

* CRM Application’s

Ø (1.2 years)

Certified 201 Administrator and Certified 401 Developer. Working as a Business Analyst handling configuration activities , onsite offsite work coordination of Projects and maintenance release activities. Worked on Projects in SFDC for Content management , Chatter and Service Cloud for Customer Support.

Involved with Configuration activities like Creating Workflows, Email Templates , Custom Objects , Fields , Validations Rules , Page layouts and Record Types. Creation of Analytical Snapshots , Reports and getting Involved with Visual Force Page modification and Apex coding on a need basis.

Ø Siebel On Premises v8.1 ( 1 Year)

Implementation of Siebel On Premise v8.1 (SOP) application for the Marketing domain. This involved data migration from legacy systems and Integration with systems like Oracle CRM On Demand v17 and Oracle Apps11i with Fusion Middleware v10.1.3.1. Some of the functionalities implemented include Lead Management, Landing Page Management, Campaign Management and Siebel Analytics (OBIEE) for Reporting and Segmentation. Involved configuration of List formats; merge fields and segmentation criteria in SOP using the OBIEE plug-in. Configurations ,EIM , EAI, SOA Fusion BPEL used to integrate.

Ø Oracle CRM On Demand v17 (1 Year)

Implementation of Oracle CRM On Demand v16 (SOD) SaaS application for the Sales domain. This also involved data migration from legacy systems and Integration with systems like Clarify, Marketing, Siebel v7.6, Oracle Apps using Fusion Middleware v10.1.3.1. Functionalities like Opportunity management, Quote/Order creation in Oracle CRM On Demand v17 and passing it on to Oracle Apps for Order processing. BPEL was used to orchestrate the integration between all the systems. Interactions with the Oracle CRM On Demand v17 system were through Web services.

Ø Amdocs ClarifyCRM 12.5 (6 Yrs)

Experience in design, development, testing & implementation of application software in client/server environment. Very well experienced in Clarify Implementation, customization, maintenance and Upgradation. Experienced in Visual Basic 5.0 . Worked on SQL Server 7.0 and Oracle 8i , 9i . User level exposure in Linux / Unix . Exposure to Clarify 12.5 Web application configurations and installation. Clarify Upgrade from 8.5SR2 to 12.5SR1. 9 implementations involving ClearCallCenter, ClearSupport, ClearSales, ClearQuality and ClearLogistics. Provided ClarifyCRM training to IBM CRM team

Symantec (Verisign Acquisition), Bangalore India Feb 2006 – Jan 2012.

Principal IT Application Specialist

Project: S.C.O.R.E

Role : Business Analyst

The Salesforce Content implementation within Project NEXUS is intended to present sales content and sales data on the same platform, replacing the functionality existing legacy SCORE 4.0 platform. Its a Content management solution using Salesforce platform and Trust Model. Involved in supporting the application with regular configuration changes and Enhancements. Tasks involved interacting with Business users on site in US / EMEA and APAC region, gathering requirements from Business owners and coordinating the development activities with Onsite and offsite developers.

Project: Marketing & Sales Force Automation ( SMART)

Role : Senior Technical Lead

Verisign Inc‘s is composed of 2 main business units namely Authentication services and Naming. Its core products and services include managing the ".com" and ".net" domain name registry and securing online financial transactions and verifying consumers' identities on the Web using security tokens, Digital certificates. This project aimed at the consolidation & integration of Sales and Marketing applications from various legacy systems to one common Oracle platform. My role as a Sr. Lead involved coordination of development work between onsite and offsite teams , contributing to technical development in Siebel On Premise , Fusion bpel development and configuring Siebel On Demand Suite of products.

SMART III: Data migration of various entities like Accounts , Contacts , Opportunities from various legacy systems like Clarify , Applix , Oracle Apps and legacy Siebel 7.5 into SOP using Enterprise Integration Manager ,EIM . Integration with Clarify and Siebel On Premises to update Contacts on their preferences, data migration from Clarify to Oracle CRM On Demand, Siebel On Premises and Oracle Applications 11i. Informatica used for extract and load to Staging table and load to EIM. Responses were loaded using file to EIM and Landing Page to Responses / Prospects directly using CGI. Workflows convert this Responses to Leads which is then send to SOD where Sales agents create Opportunity.

Implemented both Inbound and Outbound bpel integration with SOP. Created Integration Objects, deployed Bpel services as Web service and Business Services of EAI used for interaction with Siebel... EAI work involved creation of ASI’s and this involved creation of Integration Objects, Business services and exposing them as Web services. Workflow Policies based triggering of outbound bpel call using EAI Workflows. Bpel web service calls made from within the workflow. Configuration tasks involved Configuring new Views, Applets, modifying existing Business Components, creating Joins, Links and adding them to specific Responsibilities. Configuring Workflow Policies that trigger workflows.

SMART II: Data migration of Accounts, Contacts, Opportunity, Products from various legacy systems. Customization on the product involving layout changes, adding pickup lists and custom fields. Writing validation scripts and workflows based on events. Creation of Tasks based on workflow and these tasks were used by Bpel to query entities in SOD to do processing. Migration of data from Oracle CRM On Demand v17 to Siebel .Data extract from SOD using Task/Jobs and these data in excel file was loaded to staging tables using SQLLOADER and shell. Involved with design activities for scheduling and executing of bpel process using Informatica. Admin functions like creation of new connections, managing of development instances Oracle Fusion box specific to SOD instance pods.

SMART I: Creation of a Customer Data Hub, a master registry of Customers of Verisign in Oracle Apps. Involved in the extract of data to feed to Oracle CDH database. This became the master of all major entities like Accounts, Contacts etc.

ClarifyCRM Marketing Support: As a Senior Clarify Sr. Lead I was supporting Marketing department. Clarify support tasks involved supporting Marketing department in lead processing and Customer Support dept in Trouble ticket management. Also handled Clarify Trouble ticket portal for ICAAN where disputes related to domain names were handled by Verisign as a mediator. This application was using JSP pages, Clarify v11.5 and custom built CBO’s. Developed reports files using PL/SQL package to run as a JOB as well as CRON.

Environment – Windows XP, Linux , Oracle Apps 11i , ClarifyCRM 11.5, Siebel 8.1, Informatica , Hyperion , Oracle CRM On Demand v16 (SaaS) Siebel Analytics (OBIEE) , SOAPUI

IBM Global Services, Bangalore, India Mar 2005 – Feb 2006

Project Lead ClarifyCRM

Client: Sprint PCS

Integrated Desktop (IDT) is a CRM Solution used by CSR (Customer Service Representatives) at Sprint Call Centers to serve Sprint Long Distance wire-line Customers. The Solution is developed using ClarifyCRM from Amdocs and J2EE framework. Deployed at more than 40 call centers across USA, IDT is used to support both Sales and Service functions for Residential and Small Business LD Accounts. Also IDT services are used by and IVR (Integrated Voice Response) systems.

This Business Critical application of Sprint was migrated to IGSI, Bangalore in the month April 2006. The Eight member IDT India team successfully migrated all the development, maintenance and production support activities to offshore in a record time of four weeks. The Application required rare skills like ClarifyCRM which posed a major challenge for the delivery team in India. In addition to that, the required proficiency in Java/J2EE and Unix skills. IDT India Delivery team has successfully delivered many Projects and enhancement releases on schedule. At this moment, the team is working on five development projects and geared up to undertake many more projects that are in pipeline.

The nature of work involved 24x7 support, development of new functionalities and Upgrade from 10.1 to 12.5. Also trained 25 people in ClarifyCRM Classic client application and worked as a Project Lead managing around 10 people.

Ness Global Services / HP, Malaysia Nov 2003 – Mar 2005

Sr. ClarifyCRM Consultant

Client 1: Maxis/Amdocs

Clear Support Customization and Logistics Part Transfer / Site parts Installation scripts.

Client 2: Malaysia ICCS Enhancements, Data Migration, 12.5 Upgrade & KenanFx Integration

Celcom - Malaysia is the Second Largest cell phone service provider in Malaysia and a sister concern of Telecom Malaysia. Clarify CRM (ICCS) was implemented to maintain the customer and network related information. Project Scope was to upgrading clarify version 8.5 to version 12.5, Data Migration, New Enhancements on clarify version 12.5 and integration with the upgraded KenanFX billing system.

As a Clarify Project Lead handled the following responsibilities

  • Customization of the existing Clarify application as per the enhancement requirements.Upgraded Clarify Database and application from 8.5SR2 to 10.1SR1 to 12.0SR1 to 12.5.
  • Correction of ADP tables and Schema file . Data Migration using DataEx and Customized Rule Files. Interfacing Clarify with other external systems like Arbor, Remedy, Ticker Tape applications.
  • Using OLE objects to interface with Tickertape and IE ,Mail Merge functionality using HTML templates and Internet Explorer.
  • Data Migration of legacy data into Clarify database from 5 different systems. Text files of data were parsed and recreated in Clarify Database involving millions of data.
  • Integrated Clarify with Soft phone 3rd party application using OLE objects
  • Handled Clarify server level tasks like Running CBBatch Scripts , DataEx and Schema Change’s
  • Integrating Clarify with external applications using SQLDB and Stored Procedure calls from Clarify forms. Conducted training sessions for Users to get familiarity with the new system
  • Miscellaneous activities like running database tuning scripts to enhance performance.
  • Designed an integration process with Kenan Billing System . Miscellaneous activities included tuning the Oracle Database by analyzing the cost of SQL queries , analyzing indexes , indexing ADP tables etc
  • Added an FTP feature from a Clarify form for sending SMS to the Clients. Shell script created was executed using CRON Job’s. Tuning Tuxedo for Enhancing the Performance

MBT, Pune, India May 2003 – Oct 2003

ClarifyCRM Consultant

As a Team Lead / Trainer /Trainee was involved in the following activities with Clarify CRM

  • Developed prototype for Thin Client Customization using CBO’s,JSP,Java & HTML on Weblogic server & ClarifyCRM 11.5 . Developed Training material for giving sample case studies for the Trainees in Clarify. Trained them on Clear Basic coding and form customization involving various controls , UDT’s and Schema Changes , Rulemanager and Notifier. Created sample demos.
  • Created new rule properties & events for Business rules

Ness Global Services (Apar), Mumbai, India Apr 2002 – May 2003

ClarifyCRM Consultant

Client: Reliance Unified Networking System (RUNS) for Reliance Infocomm, Mumbai, India

Reliance will offers nationwide wire-line, wireless and NLD services across India. This system provides integrated solution for disparate applications like Clarify, Clarity, SAP, ADC Single eView, Avaya, TIBCO. Clarify is used for Customer Support and Order Management.

As a Senior Developer, was responsible for the following activities:

  • Customizing Clarify Clear Support for dealing with the customer complaints related to CDMA handset faults, Network outages .Developed Billing Adjustments form to Interface with ADC billing by invoking Process manager API.
  • Created a Child form for New Case & Edit Case forms (Tab) for displaying and editing the actions to be performed on the case based on the Case Type. Editable Grid was used to display the actions.
  • MACD customization involving a Service Profile Change ,Change in MDN , Handset Repair , Lost Handset , Change in SDCA involving a Change,Add,Delete of Line Items and corresponding change to Installed Parts.
  • Wrote Clear Basic code for Closing Cases in batch and executing it in Production database.
  • Customized ClearSales ‘myclarify’ form to add new methods to existing eContextual objects for filtering based on users specific to a given resource configuration. Added methods for simulating Tree Node click events for displaying custom Tab forms
  • Customizing the Installed Parts screen to create custom tree view to show the hierarchy of installed parts with Icons. Installing Site Parts based on the Quote and Line Items. Wrote code for Data Upload for creation of Cases,Contacts,Flashes,Intial Interactions, Phone logs ,Contract & Line Items .Worked on Customized Site parts functionality due to the limitation of clear Configurator to handle more than 2 levels.
  • Customizing the baseline code to activate the Flexible attributes functionality for Line Items.
  • As a proof of concept, wrote a module, which publishes information to TIBCO-Clarify adapter for integration with Clarity & ADC billing application.
  • Used UD32 to execute Application serve code for the creation of Site Parts. This was done to over come the business rule limitation of multiple SA logins while running a CBBATCH.
  • Using DataEx to export the key tables in Clarify Database for ProcessManager
  • Created a browser-based application to execute SQL commands like Insert, Update & delete using the following technologies. JDBC (Jdriver for Oracle), HTML, Java Servlet & Weblogic Server.

Oak Solutions Inc, California Nov 1999 – Jan 2002

ClarifyCRM Consultant

As a ClarifyCRM consultant I worked with the following Clients,

Vitaltone Inc, Sunnyvale, CA (Jamcraker): An Application Service Provider, they used ClarifyCRM in their call center for tracking customer complaints. Inktomi Corp, San Mateo, CA: An Internet Search Engine Development Company. Here ClarifyCRM was used as Bug tracking system for their software products. Amdahl Corp (Fujitsu), Sunnyvale, CA: An ASP, they used ClarifyCRM for tracking Trouble tickets and management of their Contracts and SLA’s. Department of Managed Health Care (HMO), Sacramento, CA: The California Dept of Managed Health Care, a first- in- the-nation Consumer Rights projects (Health Care). Was launched on July 1, 2000 to help Californians to resolve problems with their HMO. Worked as a Senior Developer in a team comprising of 15 People. Modules include Case Register, Medical Review, DMHC Adoption, Resolution and Reports.