Sunday, January 15, 2012

Good Learning by being a Arm chair Hunter

Good Learning by being a Arm chair Hunter

Happened to watch Human Weapon on History Channel. Yesterdays duel was an eye opener. We have these 2 Americans well built and one of them well above six feet visiting various martial arts discipline across the planet and fighting with their best warrior. Yesterdays was a take on Taek-Won-Do in Korea. As we know TWD guys are kick specialists.

My observations and learning:

Take – 1 : After a preliminary practice of some kicks like Tornado, Horse and other basic kicks the sparring began. It was the turn of the big gorilla like person to take on the 5’7 nimble and slim TWD master. In the second round the Big Guy executed a kick and landed forward , the TWD guy anticipating this well in advance side stepped and gave a high heel kick in a semi circular top down span motion to the Big Guys temple. He faints standing and goes down.

Take – 2: The second American stepped in . Now he was well built around 5’10. In the first round he executed a Tornado kick (turning around in mid air and executing a kick to the head of the opponent with other leg). The TWD guys side steps and the American land on his one feet in the process he twists his Knee. Now Tornado kick involves a spiraling motion and if you don’t control it well your body weight will do the damage when you land. When he landed his upper body was still in the spinning motion and it twisted his knee. End of the duel. I have see the same damage happening while playing cricket. When one of my friends who was Robust did a pace bowling and popped his knee. He is now on crutches.

Moral of the Story
1. Adapt techniques into you arsenal by understanding its effects, techniques and more important is it suitable for your body type.
2. TWD guys aim for the head most of the time , it might work in a 1 on 1 match with rules but on street your groin will be exposed to be put into meat grinder.

Chotti Muh badi bath , just sharing some observation from my Couch.

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